How to Take a Mental Health Day Without Feeling Guilty

You can take a mental health day off from work without experiencing guilt. Here's how.
If you are the type of person that is a hard worker, and normally goes above and beyond the call of duty, sometimes you need to treat yourself to a mental health day. This is also true if you typically work beyond the 40-hour work week and are the type of employee to take work home.
All of that hard work and diligence will take its toll eventually, without some spontaneous R&R for your mind.A mental health day is not the type of day off that employers recognize or encourage. If you're reading this at work, that's probably not the best idea. Employers may provide you instead withvacation days, holidays, personal days, sick days, or even family sick days. Some employers combine one or more categories of days off, like sick/personal days. Employers don't offer mental health days.Because employers don't offer mental health days, it is up to you to take the initiative and give yourself a mental health day.
What is a Mental Health Day?
A mental health day is an unscheduled day off from work that involves doing something you enjoy doing, alone or with family and friends. A mental health day does not include doing any errands, going to the doctor's office, or cleaning the house. Sometimes the only way to get some time for yourself, away from the office, and away from the demands of your household, is to disappear for a few hours, doing whatever it is you love best. The activity you choose should be one that is fairly close to home, is not near work, and will renew you in some way. It could be going to see a movie or two by yourself. Or maybe you want to spend the day window shopping, or shopping, at your favorite mall. Your mental health day could be a trip to the local greenhouse, museum, or bookstore. It could be a half day at the salon, or getting a massage.The mental health day can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it refreshes your mind.
Why You Need a Mental Health Day
You need a mental healthy day if you are otherwise a hard worker, slackers need not apply...